
What happens during boot?

This OS doesn't include a bootloader, the kernel is being loaded by default using grub using multiboot2.

The kernel crate will be compiled as an ELF file implementing the multiboot2 specification which can be loaded by any bootloader that supports it.

For example, in grub we use the multiboot2 command to load the kernel.

menuentry "Kernel" {
    insmod all_video
    multiboot2 /boot/kernel # the kernel ELF file

The kernel ELF file is in elf64-x86-64 format, but we start in x86 protected mode (32-bit) and then switch to long mode (64-bit) using assembly code in boot.S.

Initial boot, protected mode.

We start in assembly, since we are using rust, and we target x64 for compilation, we have to add 32-bit code manually using assembly.

The boot.S file is included in using global_asm! macro, and we use .code32 directive to generate 32-bit code.

The initial boot here in the assembly performs the following:

  • Setup initial page tables (required for 64-bit mode).
  • Setup basic GDT (Global Descriptor Table) (required for 64-bit mode).
  • Switch to 64-bit long mode.
  • Jump to kernel_main entry point in

The kernel ELF file is loaded at 0x100000 physically, and 0xFFFFFFFF80100000 virtually. The virtual address 0xFFFFFFFF80000000 will map to the physical address 0x0 initially.

Note: you may notice in the code that we use - 0xFFFFFFFF80000000 a lot, such as lgdt [gdtr64 - 0xFFFFFFFF80000000]. And this is because we don't have virtual memory yet, so we are operating with physical memory currently, and the linker will use 0xFFFFFFFF80000000 as the base address. But since we know it maps to 0x0 physically, we can subtract to convert to physical addresses.

Multiboot2 header

We specify some information to the bootloader that we want in the multiboot2 header:

  • Address: Here we specify load address information, which include:
    • start and end of the kernel image.
    • bss_end which is the end of the .bss section.
  • Entry point: The entry point of the kernel, which is entry function in boot.S,
    i.e. where execution will start. This is executed in 32-bit mode.
  • Module alignment: Modules will be page aligned. (maybe not needed, as I thought it affected the kernel alignment, but looks like its for modules).

After that, execution will start at entry, where we check that the value in EAX is equal to the special multiboot2 magic value just to make sure we are correct.

Switching to long mode

Then, we check that long mode is supported in the machine by making sure that PAE feature is supported in CPUID:0000_0001 and LM feature is supported in CPUID:8000_0001.

If its not supported, we display an error and infinite loop.

# check for PEA
mov eax, 0x00000001
test edx, CPUID_FEAT_EDX_PAE # (1 << 6)
jz not_64bit
# check for long mode
mov eax, 0x80000001
test edx, CPUID_FEAT_EX_EDX_LM # (1 << 29)
jz not_64bit

If all is good, we setup some basic page tables as follows

Initial page tables

We map the first 128MB of physical memory into two ranges.

  • [0x0000000000000000..0x0000000007FFFFFF], 1:1 mapping which give us easy access and required when we switch to 64-bit mode.
  • [0xFFFFFFFF80000000..0xFFFFFFFF87FFFFFF], This is where the rust kernel is loaded in the ELF file, and all references addresses in this range.

The structure of the page table is as follows:

- [0x0000000000000000..0x0000000007FFFFFF] - 1:1 mapping with the physical pages
    - This will be:
        - PML4[0]
        - PDPT[0]
        - PDT[0..63] # 2MB each
- [0xFFFFFFFF80000000..0xFFFFFFFF87FFFFFF] - the kernel ELF file virtual address space
    - This will be:
        - PML4[511]
        - PDPT[510]
        - PDT[0..63] # 2MB each (shared with the above)

The location of where we store the initial page tables is at boot_page_tables which is a region of memory in the .boot_page_tables section in the .data section that fits the size of 4 page tables, each 4KB in size.

The usage of boot_page_tables is as follows:

  • PML4 (boot_page_tables[0])
  • PML4[0] -> PDPT-A (boot_page_tables[1])
  • PML4[511] -> PDPT-B (boot_page_tables[2])
  • PDPT-A[0] -> PDT (boot_page_tables[3])
  • PDPT-B[510] -> PDT (boot_page_tables[3]) // same PDT as above

And then PDT[0..63] is shared between the two and maps the first 128MB of physical memory.

Then, CR3 is set to the address of PML4 and CR4 is set to enable PAE.

GDT (Global Descritor Table)

We setup a very basic GDT that contain kernel code and data segments (even though, data probably is not needed).

.align 16
    .quad 0x0000000000000000    # null descriptor
    # Code segment (0x8)
    .long 0x00000000                                       # Limit & Base (low, bits 0-15)
    .byte 0                                                # Base (mid, bits 16-23)
    .byte GDT_LONG_MODE                                    # Flags & Limit (high, bits 16-19)
    .byte 0x00                                             # Base (high, bits 24-31)
    # Data segment (0x10)
    .long 0x00000000                                       # Limit & Base (low, bits 0-15)
    .byte 0                                                # Base (mid, bits 16-23)
    .byte GDT_NOT_SYS | GDT_PRESENT | GDT_WRITE            # Access
    .byte 0x00                                             # Flags & Limit (high, bits 16-19)
    .byte 0x00                                             # Base (high, bits 24-31)

I prefer it this way, but other just use a quad static value. This won't change at all so either is fine.

Then, we load the GDT using lgdt instruction.

lgdt [gdtr64 - 0xFFFFFFFF80000000]

Switch to long mode

We need to do the following:

  • Setup page tables.
  • Enable PAE in CR4.
  • Enable PG (Paging) and PE (Protection Enable) in CR0.
  • Enable long mode in EFER MSR.
    mov ecx, EFER_REG # (0xC0000080)
    or  eax, EFER_LME # (1 << 8)
  • Setup GDT.
  • Jump to kernel_main in

But before we go to kernel_main directly, we jump to a location in boot.S (kernel_main_low). Where we setup the data segment, the stack, also forward the multiboot2 information to kernel_main.

The stack used is 512 pages, i.e. 2MB in size, and is located in the .stack section which is inside the .data section.

The stack is a bit large, but we don't require that much stack most of the time, its needed like this due to our recursive AML (ACPI) parser, which we should improve.

We also setup a guard page for the stack that is unmapped later using the more advanced virtual memory setup.

Then, we jump to kernel_main in, and its all rust from here.

CPU state in rust

When we jump into rust, here is the state of the CPU (do note, that the kernel may change the state later on):

  • 64-bit mode
  • Basic GDT setup with only 2 segments (kernel code and data) (see above GDT)
  • Empty IDT setup (i.e. exceptions will trigger triple faults)
  • interrupts are disabled
  • cr3 is set to the .boot_page_tables (which is a temporary page tables)
  • cr0 = CR0_PG | CR0_PE | CR0_MP
  • EFER = EFER_LME | (EFER_LMA would be set by the CPU, indicating that long mode is active)
  • The stack is setup at the end of the .stack section
  • The multiboot info is passed in rdi (which is the same as ebx since we haven't touched it)
  • rax is set to the kernel_main and then jumped to
  • the rest of the registers are arbitrary, so make sure kernel_main only takes one argument (rdi).