
This is implemented in scheduler

The scheduler is responsible for scheduling the processes, and managing the CPU time between them.

Scheduling Algorithm

We are using priority-queue based approach for scheduling processes.

The queue order is determined by a value priority_counter, that starts at u64::MAX, its decremented by a value generated from the process's priority level, higher priority level will decrease the value less, and thus staying on top for more times.

Each time we schedule a process we perform the following:

  • Check all waiting processes, and wake them if its time, currently, we have ProcessState::WaitingForTime and ProcessState::WaitingForPid states that support waiting.
  • After waking them (moving them to scheduled list), pick the top scheduled process, and run it, moving it to the running_and_waiting list.
  • If we have exited processes, handle notifying waiters and parents and remove the process. Its important we remove the process here, since we can't do it while the process is running (still handling the exit syscall) since we still hold the virtual memory, deleting the process will free it up and cause a page fault.

Running the process is simple:

  • copy the context of the process to the saved context of the CPU, see processor saved state, which will be used by the scheduler interrupt to jump to it.
  • Set the pid of the process to the process_id of the CPU.
  • Mark the process as ProcessState::Running, and move it to the running_and_waiting list as mentioned.


When a process is running, it can yield to the scheduler through 2 ways now:

  • Timer: The APIC timer, see APIC, will interrupt the CPU every once in a while, and this gives us preemptive multitasking.
  • System Call: When a syscall is executed, after the syscall, we perform yield as well, see syscalls.

When yielding, we perform the following:

  • Save the all_state of the CPU to the context of the process, and this all_state comes from the interrupt, i.e. we can only yield when an interrupt occurs from that process, since we have to save the exact cpu before the interrupt.
  • reschedule the process, by putting it in the scheduled list and fixing up the priority_counter to be similar to the top process. This is important, as if a process was sleeping for some time, we don't want it to hog the execution when it wakes up because at that point, its priority_counter will be much higher than any other process.


When a process is running, it can sleep, and this is done through the syscall sleep, see syscalls.

When sleeping, we perform the following:

  • Mark the process as ProcessState::WaitingForTime(deadline), where deadline is the expected time to finish the sleep from the current time. See Clocks.
  • the process would already be in running_and_waiting list, so no movement is done here.

And then, in the scheduler, we handle sleeping processes (see scheduling algorithm).

Scheduler Interrupt

This is interrupt 0xFF, See interrupts for more information.

This interrupt is used to easily change the execution context of the current cpu.

When the interrupt is triggered, we do the following:

  • The cpu must contain a context, which we will move to.
  • We must be in the kernel of course, this is a private interrupt for the kernel, and the scheduler alone.
  • Switch the all_state coming from the interrupt (which will be a point in the schedule function in the kernel, where we called this interrupt), and the context from the cpu, which will be the state of the process currently.

And with the last step, we achieve the context switch between two execution states, the kernel and the process.


I found this solution that worked quite well for switch between contexts, is it the best? I don't know, but it works quite well now and is very stable.