
This is implemented in filesystem

In this kernel, the filesystem is implemented by several layers, and components.

When you try to open a file path, the filesystem will look for the best entity that contains this path. And this is achieved by the mapping system.

Check FAT for more information about the FAT filesystem specifically.

Then, when you open a file, you can specify several flags (implemented in OpenOptions):

  • read - Open the file for reading.
  • write - Open the file for writing.
  • create - Create the file if it doesn't exist.
  • create_new - Fail if the file exists.
  • truncate - Truncate the file if it exists.
  • append (implicit write) - Append to the file if it exists.

With these, you can create new files and choose which mode to open them with. Of course the filesystem may refuse to create the file if the operation is not supported, such as with /devices directory mappings.


The mapping, is a dictionary that maps a path prefix to a Filesystem manager. For example, currently we have the following mappings:

'/' -> FAT (filesystem backed by disk)
'/devices' -> Devices (a virtual filesystem)

When you open a path, it will find the best mapping, i.e. the longest prefix that matches the path. Then will use the resulting Filesystem manager to open the file.

For example, if you open the path /devices/console, it will use the Devices filesystem manager to open the file /console.

Filesystem trait

The "manager" here is an implementor of the Filesystem trait, which is a simple interface that controls all the filesystem operations.

Operations supported are:

  • open_root - Open the root directory, this is the entry point when treversing the filesystem.
  • read_dir - Read the directory entries from a DirectoryNode.
  • create_node - Create a new file or directory inside a DirectoryNode.
  • read_file - Read the file contents from a FileNode.
  • write_file - Write the file contents to a FileNode.
  • close_file - Send a message that we are closing the file, if you notice, we don't have open_file, but instead, the user can treverse the filesystem with open_root and read_dir until the file node is found, then it can be used directly. This function is used to alert the filesystem to clean up any resources that it might have allocated for this file.
  • set_file_size - Set the file size to a custom value, this is similar to truncate in Unix systems, write_file, will increase the file size if needed.


See Node

The Filesystem will give us an Node when we open a directory or a file, and this Node can be either FileNode or DirectoryNode

I'm calling Node even though FAT doesn't have this concept, but I'm using it to represent the file information.

Partition tables

Currently we only support the MBR partition table, and we can only read the first partition, we don't check the partition type, and just forward it to the FAT filesystem.


See Devices

This is a basic dictionary that maps a device name, to a Arc<dyn Device>. Then, when its opened, the device clone is returned in a special FileNode, so we can act upon it as a file.