
This is implemented in cpu.

Here we talk about processor related structures and functions. Including:

  • Interrupts and exceptions
  • Global Descriptor Table (GDT)
  • Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC) and IO APIC.

Let's first talk about other processor stuff that are not the above.

Saved CPU state

Each CPU (currently only 1) has a structure that contain the state related to the CPU.

Where it contains among others:

  • the id and apic_id of the cpu, for identification.
  • the n_cli and old_interrupt_enable which is used by the implementation of locks.
  • the context which is a process context, used when switching between processes, also process_id for current process, and other scheduling related fields.

CPU initialization

Currently, we don't perform any additional initialization after boot, and its causing some issues. As UEFI results in a different CPU state than BIOS, and we need to handle that, there is an issue for that #34.