
This is implemented in console

The console is a virtual device that we use to print and read characters from the screen, it will use the keyboard and uart drivers to do so.

This is called by print! and println! macros.

We have 2 consoles, for now, I don't like the design now, and would like to change it in the future.


This is a console object that is statically initialized, can only write, and doesn't have access to the keyboard.


This is the main console that is initialized later, and can read and write and has access to keyboard.

The main purpose of this is to add this to the /devices directory, and act as a kernel device, so we can use it from the userspace.

The design can be improved, the issue is that LateConsole is inside an Arc<Mutex<>> (so it can be used as a device), EarlyConsole is static, there is several differences, so there is a lot of code duplication, and I would like to improve it somehow.