Virtual space

This is implemented in virtual_space

Virtual space is a I'm using (not sure what other OSes call), that solves the issue of "I have a physical address of an object, but I don't have virtual space to map it to". This is useful for reading structures that are in specific location in physical memory, such as ACPI tables, PCI configuration space, memory mapped IO, etc.

Its very simple, it will take memory from the kernel extra space, and map it to the physical address.

It can be used by VirtualSpace, which is similar to Box, i.e. its a wrapper for a pointer, and it will automatically unmap the memory when it goes out of scope.

fn main() {
let mut vs = unsafe { VirtualSpace::<u32>::new(0x1000).unwrap() };
*vs = 0x1234;
assert_eq!(*vs, 0x1234);